Live Streaming
Watch up to 16 camera streams with less than 1 Mbps bandwidth consumption per stream

Live-view is an easy-to-use section inside a client web application for viewing and managing daily happenings in your business by watching camera streams.
Streams are always on, and always responsive wherever and whenever you want to watch. You can view and adjust the grid view up to four columns. Regardless if you need to stay in control of one important camera in your system or simultaneously watch 16 streams, you can easily choose either.
To make the work of our face recognition clear and simple, AI visualization is embedded in the stream. Meaning, you can always see your Visitors being recognized and verified as they are walking by.
Live streaming is extremely bandwidth-friendly with a couple of smart options. If you're viewing camera streams inside the same network where cameras are set up, the stream never goes outside to the worldwide web. If you're watching streams remote in a four-column view, the network consumption per camera goes under 1 Mbps.